Beyond the Maps: Google Street View’s Strange And Unexplainable Sightings
People do unusual things when they don’t think that anyone is watching them. Some of these things are pretty kooky, and when caught on camera, they have broken the internet and become a hot topic for us to laugh about.
Google Street View has become a great way of catching people in the act of doing something that reveals how weird and risque people tend to act when they think that they are all alone. This ingenious invention is a gold mine of countless candid moments recorded from all over the world. In a way, Google Street View unites people in our behaviors and ways of interacting with the world around us. To sum up, it shows that humans are strange—no matter where they come from.
So, without further ado, let’s have a look at the numerous times Google Street View has caught weird events happening out in the open.
All images have been sourced from : google/maps
Could this be a Sea Creature?
If you’ve been to Mission Beach in San Diego, then you would know that crazy and surprising things can happen there in the blink of an eye. On this particular occasion, a beachgoer is seen dressed in a costume that looks like a strange sea creature.

The costume made him look like a giant marine animal with a large head, tentacles, and bright eyes. Just in case you thought it was really a monster, have another look, and you’ll see the person’s arms and legs, which let us know that, thankfully, this is just a costume.
There is a bug on the internet.
Google Street View cameras work in a fascinating way. The device moves while taking a lot of photographs at the same time. It then splices the images together to create a 3-D landscape. It’s basically a number of cameras on a high platform.

As a result, it could get unstable when trying to get a view of moving people and things. Here, in the scene above, two women are walking side by side. The pair appear in four different spots in the same picture. This could be described as a failure in technology and caused quite a stir on the internet.
A knight taking his afternoon nap
A strange scene was recently photographed by Google Street View: a man napping in a park while wearing a knight’s armor. Although it’s unknown who this knight is or why he’s resting at a park, it’s undeniable that he stands out from the crowd.

The scene was both amusing and odd, leaving onlookers to wonder what the possible backstory might be. Was he a dressed-up performer taking a well-earned rest from a show, on his way to Comicon, or was he just a silly knight napping in the sunshine? Although we might never know the answer, we can surely enjoy the unexpected spectacle.
Keeping to themselves
Sheeps blissfully resting on the roadside were filmed by Google Street View cameras in the English village of Thornton in North Yorkshire. These sleepy sheep happened to be going about their daily lives and keeping to themselves, oblivious to any oncoming vehicles.

The sheep, according to people of the Thorton community, were possibly dozing off while grazing on the local grass. The animals felt comfortable and safe enough to lie down without paying attention to any threat. We just have one question: what do Sheep count when they are trying to fall asleep?
Just hands
Two individuals were caught on Google camera making an exchange in what appears to be a buyer and seller situation. It looks like one person was trying to make a purchase at a drive-thru of some sort when something peculiar happened.

The camera only captured the hand of the buyer and not his body or his car. A possible cause of this is a bug or glitch. Although the reason why this happened is pretty easy to guess, it is still fun to think of this as a phantom trying to buy a burger from “the other side.”
A scientific creation
According to Google Street View cameras, this laser zapped two crazy scientists and transformed them into heart-eyed lovebirds. Who would have believed that such a scientific discovery was even possible? It looks like Cupid has acquired some fancy new gadgets.

Although the characters in this image appear blurry, it is still delightful to look at. The happy couple looks so immersed in their embrace that they don’t even notice the laser. Perhaps the world would be a better place if we all loved this obliviously.
A car trapped in a veranda
Have you ever wondered what the Google Street cameras record when they are in motion? An image recently captured by one of these cameras, which depicts an automobile trapped on the veranda of what appears to be a duplex, has generated quite a sensation.

It is difficult to figure out why or, more importantly, how someone could possibly park their car on the porch. Perhaps whoever was responsible for this wanted to create a spectacle for the Google cameras to capture. If their intention was to grab the internet’s attention, then they succeeded!
Coastal Yoga
Numerous people in Japan have been seen practicing yoga, according to Google Street View footage. This art form must be very popular in the country. One Google Street View camera, in particular, caught a Japanese woman practicing yoga on the coast.

On a totally unobstructed stretch of land, the woman is depicted doing a tricky-looking stretch. While people worldwide have embraced the stress-reducing and health benefits of practicing yoga, we aren’t sure if morning yoga on the side of a road is the ideal location to calm one’s nerves.
Recent footage from a Google Street View camera depicts a young man partially buried in the ground of a remote farm. The internet has been having a field day with this outrageous image. It has inspired more than a few laughs, along with some genuine concern.

The individual in the picture is still unidentified, and it’s not clear what he was doing there. It is unclear whether he did this to get the attention of the Google Street Cameras or if this was just a happy accident. We are hoping this was yet another optical illusion due to a wonky operating system.
Mickey Mouse party
Google Street View cameras spotted a car covered in teddy bears of the famous Mickey Mouse. The strange vehicle was captured driving around town as if this were just a normal occurrence. How is the driver even able to see out of the windshield?

Other questions regarding this car surfaced on the internet. However, they have been left unanswered. People want to know whether the driver of this vehicle is trying to cause a scene or if he happens to be a really big Mickey Mouse fan. Whatever their reasons were, they definitely put on a show.
Having uninterrupted sleep
It is common knowledge that animals can also leave us surprised by their behavior. Google map’s attention was caught by a cat in New Mexico taking its afternoon nap on top of a silver car parked by the side of the road.

It seems the drowsy kitty thought the top of the car was a nice sunny spot for it to get some much-needed sleep. Perhaps the cat had a rough night and felt like going somewhere different for some rest and relaxation.
Look who’s hanging on the wall.
A strange image was recently caught by a Google Street View camera in the streets of Phoenix, Arizona, and it has since prompted online discussion and rumors. The picture appears to show a man crouched in an opening in a wall while decked out in a full Batman outfit—including the black mask and cape.

We have way more questions than answers for this shot: who, what, where, and most certainly why come to mind. There have been a lot of different assumptions put forward by those who are speculating about the person’s identity and intentions. However, no one can say for certain that they know the backstory here.
Horsing around
This man was caught wearing a horse mask and chatting with someone next to him. We don’t know where this image was captured, and maybe wearing a mask is a typical Tuesday tradition in that part of the world.

Maybe he was covering a pimple, or maybe he knew that Google was in his area; we just don’t know, but if there’s anything that Google Street View has taught us, it’s that there’s always something interesting to see wherever you go.
Halloween party in Ventana
Google Street View took photos of these frightening Halloween decorations in Chicago. It looks like a dark lord performing a spell on victims as they scream for help. This is probably one of the most terrifying decorations caught by Google Street View.

The so-called Dark lord stands in the front window of a house, looming over onlookers with his scary red eyes and sword. The camera also caught an artificial black cat and a skeleton swinging from a tree, as well as a few Halloween apples strewn around the house’s entryway. What a scary sight to behold.
Popping the question in Italy.
As the sun shone brightly and the seas were calm, Google Street View cameras caught a man who was preparing to ask his partner a huge big question. We can only hope that this proposal goes well, and she said yes… Why didn’t the camera hover for a few more minutes to get her answer?

It is not every day that one gets to share such a special moment with the world. This iconic picture has now been immortalized, and the happy couple can look back on the memories for years to come. We just hope they stay together, or this will be a constant reminder of a proposal gone wrong.
Just A Horse Eating Banana
On the side of a road in Victoria, British Columbia, this person dressed as a horse and created this scene (complete with a table and a chair) for the Street View vehicle. He even had his own flamingo and an open banana in his hand.

Many people claim to have met him before, but we cannot confirm his identity under that mane of hair. From what we can see, horseheads seem to be a popular choice for pranksters and oddballs alike. If any of our readers know why, feel free to drop us a line.
Shovel Guitar Hero
A construction worker took to playing his version of a “shovel air guitar” and was caught by Google Street cameras near Marseilles, Illinois. The worker told Times Magazine that he was imitating someone who had done the same thing in New Orleans.

He admitted that he was moved by the shovel air guitar players’ innovation and that playing the air guitar allowed him to express his creative strengths. He also claimed that bystanders usually give him tips that help him earn a living.
An SUV in a Dumpster?
Should this call for laughter or an investigation? That is a question that Google Street View cameras left people asking all over social media. This picture is just perplexing. What some people would do in order to get rid of a used car is impressive.

The fact that Google Street View cameras captured it makes it even more incredible! This person apparently didn’t anticipate anyone would witness them doing it. We can only imagine what the dumpster truck driver will do when he sees this.
Mannequin Party
In this picture, Mannequins appear to have been posed and put in the field to create a funny scene. Who placed them there, and why? Was it a legitimate work of art or some sort of practical joke? We can only wonder.

They seem to be having a good time, at least. Soaking up some rays and enjoying the spa jets in the hot tub. Was this set up in the middle of the night? Is this the mannequin equivalent of a crop circle? Truly, we just don’t have the answers, leaving us forced to use our imaginations and speculate.
On the way
Google Street Cameras captured a woman rolling a bag in the center of the New Mexico desert wearing high heels and what looks like an evening dress. The woman was spotted in Roswell, New Mexico, seemingly in the middle of nowhere and with miles of ground to cover.

The woman’s picture gained lots of attention on social media as people were genuinely curious about the backstory of this scene. According to the jokes made, she could be an alien abductee escaping from Roswell. Her story is certainly a confusing and questionable one.
A Dog taking a shot
A dog striking a pose was caught on camera standing on a front lawn. Seen in Longford, Ireland, he is standing on two feet doing what looks to be a pose for a selfie. “This literally made my day,” one Reddit member remarked.

This picture has sparked tons of funny comments online. The internet has a knack for making images like these go viral. We think this picture deserves all the attention it is getting. In more recent updates, the figure of the dog is still there.
Got stuck with the Sheep
Google Maps sometimes capture a series of events or accidents. A Google car was caught in what can only be described as “traffic” while mapping out New Zealand. A flock of sheep was blocking the road when a man got out of his van and gestured for them to move out of the way.

Fun fact: Google has utilized Sheep to explore inaccessible regions. By using animals to investigate the area, the Faroe Islands have been mapped for the first time. Finally, a picture of the islands between Iceland and Norway is available online.
A hare to make your hair stand up
You might think that a hare flying through the sky is impossible. However, Google Street Cameras beg to differ. In a very unlucky and tragic collision that could have only been crafted by fate itself, this hare was sent flying through the air by a Google Street van.

The Google Street vehicle was passing by the Biala Droga road in Poland when it captured this fateful event. The hare is seen rushing onto the road, colliding with the car, and then being thrown into the air by the camera. What a horrible way to go.
A heavy weight to carry
It was a funny sight to behold when an old, tireless car got “towed” by an old truck and was caught on Google Street cameras. The car was tied to the truck alongside other metallic objects and was swaying wildly from side to side. The truck made slow progress as it struggled under the weight.

As they made their way down the street, Google just happened to be in the area surveying the scene. It seems like Google has a knack for being in the right place at just the right time to see something unusual.
In this image, there appears to be what looks like the head of a shark trapped inside the roof of a building on New High Street in Headington, Oxford. In actuality, the so-called shark happens to be just a sculpture, not an actual shark.

The art installation is the creation of John Buckley, who created the piece to commemorate the 41st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. The artwork was commissioned by Bill Heine, and the entire building has now become a tourist attraction.
Pigeon eye view
Google Street View left us with multiple pictures of a group of individuals strolling down a Tokyo sidewalk in what appear to be pigeon masks. Many people have been left confused by the strange sight and curious about what it means.

Some have suggested that the masks may represent Tokyo’s dense population, while some have speculated that the people may have been participants in a performance art event. Although the pigeon masks’ importance is unknown, the pictures offer an intriguing look into the city’s culture.
Bird poop on the camera
That’s gross! Birds need to learn to be taught proper etiquette when it comes to matters of the bathroom. In this shot, Google was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and got well… pooped on. Well, at least that signifies good luck.

It’s ok and lucky when a bird does it, but it would be horrendous if a person was the guilty offender. In that awful situation, we doubt that any pictures of that event would have been released to the public, and another Google camera would have been sent out to redo the street view.
Hello there
In a scene that could have come from the movie Inception, two Google Street View vehicles came upon each other in Northern Argentina. Both cars happened to be headed down separate highways when one noticed another from afar. Both drivers stopped to exchange greetings.

They both happened to be from Buenos Aires and were in training to operate Street View vehicles. They chatted for a short while before continuing on their respective journeys. It almost seems staged to finally see a picture of an infamous vehicle being photographed by another.
Coming to Save the World
Witnessing a man dressed like Batman running in the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, in the United States is quite unusual. Nearby onlookers kept wondering if a movie was being shot in the area or if Batman’s story was actually real. Perhaps he was chasing after The Joker.

This event occurred in front of a residence featured in the actual movie and also featured the iconic black car driven by the superhero himself. Could it be Batman coming to pay tribute? Nevertheless, despite the low chances of this actually being Batman, Google Street View assisted in creating a fun fantasy.
A third leg
It’s quite astonishing to see a man captured on camera in a Google Street View image standing on his third foot. Google Street View cameras roam the globe and record a variety of unexpected events that you wouldn’t often see.

In this instance, a three-legged man is seen. Could he be some sort of alien? Unfortunately, the reason is a lot more mundane. This was totally the result of a perfectly timed and unintended glitch of the cameras. Regardless, this is an interesting picture.
Does it still hurt?
These two adults appear to be dealing with stressful circumstances in this picture. They each appear to be standing on a ladder, and one is pouring water on the other’s head. Thankfully, we don’t see flames, so we cannot see a logical reason for this to happen.

Maybe they are amateur illusionists practicing a stunt that went wrong, or perhaps the guy that looks like a mummy spilled something on his clothes, and the other guy is assisting with the flush… Too many questions and no answers with this image.
A memory to hold on to
A couple was on a walk and enjoying each other’s company while taking in the views when they were unintentionally captured by Google Street View cameras. Without even knowing that the cameras were recording, they couldn’t help but start to dance and act silly.

They were uncomfortable with all the public attention, but they couldn’t resist smiling when they remembered the happy memory. Thankfully, their faces were later blurred to protect their privacy. It would be awful if we all had ugly candid pictures of ourselves splashed across the internet for the world to see.
A man and his safety cone
A man standing on Google Street View with a safety cone on his head is among the funniest sights you’ll see today! You will probably giggle every time come across this silly picture because it is such an unexpected sight.

When you first see him, you might assume that he is a construction worker who had a difficult day and chose to express himself creatively. But what makes it so absurd is that he seems to be standing in front of a lodge greeting guests in that getup!
Heading to the circus
The Google street view camera didn’t fail to capture a man wearing everyday clothes riding a penny farting—an old-school style of bicycle with a huge front wheel and a small back wheel. His primate passenger makes this picture even more peculiar.

The encounter serves as a reminder of how technology may record unanticipated and distinctive moments. Wildlife has also been photographed by Google Street View cameras in the past, including a family of bears in Canada, a herd of Sheep in Scotland, and a donkey in Greece.
Argentina Discovers An Interesting Witch Accident!
An eerie image went viral in San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina, in May 2019. From afar, you might not be able to figure out what is going on. However, once you get closer, what you see is the most peculiar sight.

The figure is wearing a pointed black hat, a black cloak, black stockings with white stripes, and black hair. It appears that this is just a creative Halloween decoration. A Reddit user decided to use the tag “strange witch incident in Argentina.”
Keep Your Eyes on the Road
A man in a teddy bear costume was recently seen driving along a residential street while poking his head out the window. A Google Street View camera took this strange image, and it has subsequently gained popularity on social media.

The scene is much more bizarre when taken in the context of the photograph. It’s likely that the sight of a big teddy bear driving down the street startled any motorists on the road. It raises the question of why the driver was dressed like a rodent in the first place, and not paying any attention to the road in front of him.
A warm embrace
The numerous moments, ranging from normal activities to important occurrences, are captured by Google Street View cameras. This time, cameras captured a touching moment between a mother and daughter as they were running toward one another to share a warm embrace.

We wonder where the daughter was and how long she had been away. Judging by how happy they are to see each other, it appears as if they have been separated for quite a while. This wonderfully wholesome moment definitely made our day.
Out of the world
Google Street View cameras found an unknown object abandoned on the ground. This deserted vessel does not look like any flying object we have ever seen—not on this planet, anyway. This suspicious object looks like it could be a UFO from outer space.

Due to the wide-angle lens that was used to take the pictures, it’s possible that these weird objects are just regular items that look deformed. However, that theory is pretty boring. We prefer to think that some extraterrestrial beings are walking among us.
Skiing on a Grass
This is a strange picture of a skier who appears to be zooming down the side of a grassy slope. Three distinct Street View photos show the skier flying over the grass as if practicing for the next Winter Olympics.

The skier either appears to be completely unaware of the Google Street View cameras or is making an effort to stay away from them. One can almost hear the skier mumbling an expletive at the Google Street View driver as he makes a sudden bend and nearly hits a camera.
Half a skater
A group of friends were skateboarding in a car park and decided to take a break while one continued skating. Just as the skater started to move, the camera caught a blurry image of the top half of his body. This is the creepy image from the tech glitch in action.

His blue T-shirt, floppy brown hair, and left hand gripping the top of his board are all clearly visible. However, anything below hist-shirt is blurred out and severed at the waist—giving the impression that he is being swallowed whole by the cement.